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Rehdfyr Information

What is Rehdfyr?


Rehdfyr is a naturally occurring crystal that is the source of the world's magical energy. The Isle of Aysanore has the highest known concentration of this material. Though it can be used in crystallized form for Magitek and to fuel larger spells, it is also what powers the island's weave. Therefore, magic users drain it passively whenever spells are cast. The use of any magical power, be it Magitek or natural spellcasting, uses and/or consumes Rehdfyr. Magic users are able to cast spells without having crystallised redfhyr on their person as they draw their magical energies from the weave, which is made of redfhyr.


Rehdfyr is a finite resource - once it is used, it is gone, regardless of whether or not it is through mining and Magitek or by being passively drained through spellcasting. Ostia was drawn to Aysanore due to the high concentration of this material. Their only objective is to mine it so that it can be sent back to the Empire for use - and the rate at which it is depleted makes no difference to them. However, when the last bit of Rehdfyr is drained from the land, the Isle will crumble to dust, effectively ending not only life on Aysanore as it is known but the existence of the Isle in general.

Rehdfyr is woven into the very soul of the Isle. It seeps into the environment, affecting everything from plant life to the animals which call Aysanore their home. This is why some of the plants glow with a beautiful, otherworldly brilliance and fantastical beasts traverse the terrain. Due to this material, the skies are often dotted with a shimmering magical Aurora Borealis and the very air itself hums with latent magical energies.


The crystal will slowly deplete over time due to this natural phenomenon. This means that even if no spell is cast nor crystal harvested, the concentration of Rehdfyr on Aysanore will gradually drain as part of the natural cycle.

Redfhyr in Stonehurst

All Stonehurst citizens are entitled to one redfhyr ration at a time for free.

How much crystal is in a Rehdfyr Ration?
Each ration pouch contains about 8g of Rehdfyr. This gives you about 5 “charges” when used in Magitek.

How do I get a Rehdfyr Ration?

You can obtain a Rehdfyr Ration from The Shattered Crystal Engineering shop. This is where they sell Magitek, and different Rehdfyr crystals to power them. 

Non-citizens will be rejected and told to speak with their Faction Lead.

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Redfhyr in Aren'Dorei

Redfhyr use in Aren'Dorei is strictly regulated whether it is to be used for spellwork or any other purpose as it is a finite resource. It is limited to those who are part of the Arcanists' Guild and heavily rationed by the Divine, Archseer, and Headmaster.

The amount of redfhyr used in casting a spell depends on the strength of the spell and the ability of the caster.

How do I secure redfhyr in Aren'Dorei?
There is a requisition process as Aren'Dorei has a strict policy of conservation. Only Aren'Dorei citizens are allowed to submit a requisition. Your character can speak to the Divine, Archseer, or Headmaster to begin this process.

Non-citizens will be rejected and told to speak to their Faction Lead.

Redfhyr in Xyrinth


Rehdfyr FAQ

How much energy does each crystal contain before it is fully depleted?

Each Rehdfyr Crystal Ration you receive would have enough for about 5 charges in it for your Magitek items. After 5 uses, you would need to refill it.

In regard to magical use, the amount of 'charges' it has depends on the potency of the spell.

Can the crystals be recharged by feeding another source into the drained crystal?

No. They can't be recharged through any means or method. When fully depleted the crystal will turn white and useless. It will look like white quartz and depending on the size may become dusty and chalky.

 Do the crystals radiate energy constantly? What about when they are removed from the ground?


Yes, think of Rehdfyr as magic itself, the source of all aether energy. No matter where it is it is radiating magical energy as Rehdfyr is essentially made of magic.

Can energy be transferred from one crystal to another, changing its properties?

For example, transferring energy from a red crystal to a drained blue one: does the blue crystal turn into a red crystal with the same properties, or remain blue with red magic inside?

Properties of crystals -cannot- be changed through recharging with the energy of another Rehdfyr crystal. The crystals cannot be recharged, even with the same colour of redfhyr.

Can the energy be transferred to another source, like a special type of metal, to stabilise the energy? Or to another type of gem for charms/enchantments?

Yes, this is how magic works in the world of The Fractured Realm. The Rehdfyr crystal is imbued with magic, a weave is added with the properties that determined the spell, thus changing the make-up of the different source (metal or another object) to something more than it was.

Can one crystal be used to make another have a stronger effect (essentially using one crystal to boost another)?

No. It would not make another crystal have a stronger effect, but rather have an effect on the end result. This end result could be more oomph to a spell or adding an additional spell or effect to a magitech creation. It is just what the purpose is of the spell or the magitech creation. Two crystals cannot be combined to create a hybrid effect. With the technology how it is right now, magitech can only use one crystal at a time. 


What if I don't want my character to use Rehdfyr but still use magic?


Rehdfyr powers the weave in the world that The Fractured Realm is set in. Therefore, any use of magic is powered by Rehdfyr. It is not possible to use magic without using Rehdfyr.

Can the energy be transferred at all, or does it dissipate immediately if attempted?

If energy is pulled from the crystal it moves back into the world. It is similar to the real world law of physics that states that energy is neither created nor destroyed.

When people use the energy from Rehdfyr, it doesn't disappear. The energy in the crystal changes from one form of energy (that of the source) into another form of energy (the spell or Magitek application). It cannot be transferred to another crystal, but the energy can be utilized to power spells and Magitek devices.

What happens if I apply X force to different crystals?

This depends on the intention. For example, Rehdfyr crystals can be ground into a powder for use as a drug or food/beverage additive. However, this doesn't change the amount of charge that is already in the crystals or their properties.

Smaller pieces of Rehdfyr just means that the crystals have smaller, shorter charges.

If you have any other questions please direct them to our discord channel here: Rehdfyr Questions

Rehdfyr Limitations & Power Levels

This is the ground-up form of the crystals and is used or combined with other regents for specific purposes, both magitech and magical.


Ingestion is an option and would give a feeling of euphoria and power. If a magic user ingests it their magical power receives a boost (there is no HUD effect - this is for roleplay flavour).

Dust Form


There is no solid, dependable way to capture this. Redfhyre  clouds may sometimes exist in random pockets in caves or other places.

The best way to describe the physical effect would be like walking into fae magic. When inhaled, it causes one to become euphoric but confused. The amount isnt enough to change one's powers but it is enough to hinder their senses. The longer one remains, the higher the risk of psychosis and possibly death.

Gaseous Form


Imbued redfhyr is that which exists in a naturally occurring form in the environment. However, the exact nature of this type is unknown so harvesting methods have yet to be discovered. This is the type of redfhyr that serves as the Weave, powering the spells cast by magic users

Imbued Form


Rehdfyr that exists naturally in the environment that can be hand picked or mined with an iron pickaxe. It loses some of its power with iron tools but is mined at double the speed.

Crystal Form


Types of Rehdfyr & Current Effects

  • Lends strength to whatever it is applied to.

  • Enhances Magitek builds and spellpower.

  • Very rare and powerful.

Applications/Effects: Increases the strength of Magitek weapons and spellpower. These effects can vary from enhancing the longevity of the spell to strengthening a magitek melee weapon. Be creative!


 Extremely Rare

  • Explosive nature, used in aggressive applications like magitek weapons and offensive spells.

Applications/Effects: Used to power and enchant magitek as well as to boost offensive spells and enchantments.



  • Associated with healthy plant growth. 

Applications/Effects: Can be used to encourage better plant growth



  • A subset of blue, less brittle.

  • Less useful and lower in power compared to blue.

Applications/EffectsInstead of causing you to move faster, this Teal Rehdfyr makes it so that you feel stable, and balanced, and more clear headed




  • Ingesting or inhaling blackfyr subjects magic users to unparalleled agony and a nightmarish experience, comparable to experiencing the worst forms of ego death.

  • Beyond the immediate excruciating pain, reminiscent of the amplified horrors of PCP, blackfyr poses severe long-term damage to one's magical essence and mental health, potentially severing their connection to the magical weave forever.

Not Recommended for Use: Given its perilous effects, use of black redhfyr is strongly advised against for any application within magitek builds or spellcaster enhancements. It is not recommended for inhalation or consumption as though not much research has been conducted, those who have ingested it have suffered terrible fates. More research is required, but the cost will be high.


Extremely Rare

  • Dangerous 

  • Not advisable for magitek or spellcasting due to high risk of user paranoia. 

Not Recommended for Use: As this type of redfhyr can cause extreme paranoia in the caster or magitek device user, it is advised to avoid using it. More research is required.



Inviolate and pure.

Applications/Effects: Some people decorate with White Rehdfyr - thinking that it will suck up any evil magic or hexes. There is no scientific evidence on this.


Very Common

  • Slippery, used as a lubricant.

  • Fragile

  • Easily consumed.

Applications/Effects: Promotes ease and quicker movements (when used in magitek and ingested)


Very Common

Applications/Effects: When consumed it causes the one who has ingested it to speak with less of a filter and feel as if they can’t sit still. Sitting still when in this form can feel torturous and overstimulating. (You can roll for effectiveness of how honest your character is)


Extremely Rare

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