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World Lore

How it begun

The Fractured Realms is set on the Isle of Aysanore. It is a small island, currently boasting three factions - Stonehurst, Aren Dorei, and New Khanthra. Each has its own unique history and perspective on the world. 

Thousands of years ago it was realized that all magic in the world flows from a source known as Rehdfyr. This resource is crystalline in nature and can be found in varying amounts and a multitude of colors. Rehdfyr seeps into the very ground, water sources, and environment that it is found in, infusing magic into nature itself. While the crystal exists everywhere in the world, it seems to be found in abundance on the isle of Aysanore. This very fact has led to the isle being home to powerful casters. Most of those inhabiting the isle have the ability to cast magic to some degree, though there are those that are more proficient than others.


In an effort to protect the resource for themselves, the cities of Aren'Dorei and the now-fallen city of Ieth'Belanore worked together to cast a ward over the entirety of the isle. This powerful magic needed a council of casters working to maintain it night and day, concealing the Isle’s very existence from the outside world. 


The occasional ship did manage to find the island, however, sometimes bringing trade and goods from places across the sea. With each accidental visitor, myths and legends of this very special island grew. The tales enthralled the queen of Ostia, Queen Josephina I, who sought to use Rehdfyr in new technologies. Fueling this Magitek, however, came at a great cost. It expended the magic of the crystals it used, making a constant flow of Rehdfyr necessary. Where better to find it than an island so rich in this coveted resource? The kingdom of Ostia set sail over the Shimmering Sea in search of the Isle of Aysanore. 


Eventually, Ostia was successful. The spirits of magic and invention collided, lending to deep tensions between the natives and the settlers. At first, the Ostian settlers were content with a fairly primitive site they used as their homes while they mined the resource. However, tensions escalated with each export of rehdfyre. That tension boiled over when the settlers found a cave from which to mine higher quantities. The first export to Ostia from the docks of Ieth'Belanore was met with resistance and a battle ensued. The ship did manage to set sail and the loss of that much rehdfyre at one time made the island’s magic flicker. The momentary stumble of magic led to the loss of the battle. The natives of Ieth'Belanore fled to neighboring Aren'Dorei, who welcomed the fae of Ieth Belanore.


Aren'Dorei joined in the fighting over the next two years. New Khanthra stood above it all, remaining neutral but always present.


After two years of fighting, Stonehurst was established on the grounds that once had been the city of Ieth'Belanore. A treaty was signed between Aren'Dorei and the new city with the terms that the fighting would cease if Stonehurst would not expand beyond the borders that had been Ieth'Belanore and their mine would be left in peace. But no matter the faction or city, greed is greed. It fuels the desire for Rehdfyr and power on all sides. This is but the foundation of our story. Where it goes next is up to you.

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